Title IX: Gender Discrimination

  • “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681)

    Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination, including pregnancy-related discrimination and sexual harassment/sexual violence, in all activities and programs of educational institutions receiving federal funds, which includes the Greene County School System.

    Although historically associated with sex equality in athletics, Title IX applies to all school system services and academic programs both on and off campus including, but not limited to:

    • Registration
    • Class assignments & course offerings
    • Academic advising & instruction
    • Evaluation & grading
    • Discipline
    • Athletics
    • Health and counseling services
    • Extracurricular services and programs
    • Employment of faculty and staff, including the recruitment, consideration and selection processes.

    All school system community members must comply with Title IX, including, without limitation: students, faculty, staff, administrators, coaches, counselors and visitors. 

    Please click here to view the Greene College & Career Academy Nondiscrimination Statement. 

Title IX Inquiries or Complaints

  • Title IX inquiries or complaints should be directed to:

    Mrs. Tara Thompson
    Student Supports Coordinator & Title IX Coordinator
    101 E. Third Street, Greensboro, GA 30642
    Office: 706-453-7688
    Email: tara.thompson@greene.k12.ga.us


    Mr. Chad Smith
    Athletic Director & Title IX Equity in Sports Coordinator
    1002 S. Main Street, Greensboro, GA 30642
    Office: (706) 453-2271
    Email: chad.smith@greene.k12.ga.us