• School Menus

    Due to national supply chain disruptions, we may have to make changes to our menus with little or no notice. Please know that we are doing our best to serve meals as planned. Thank you for understanding! 

School Menus (printable)

  • Contact Information:
    Mrs. Shanita Wright, Director of School Nutrition
    101 E. Third Street, Greensboro, GA 30642
    Office: (706) 454-1118 ext. 2030 | Fax: (706) 453-9019

    Email: shanita.wright@greene.k12.ga.us


    The Greene County School System is an equal opportunity provider.
    Click here to view our non-discrimination statement.
    El Sistema escolar del condado de Greene es un proveedor de oportunidades iguales.
    Haga clic aquí para ver nuestra declaración de no discriminación.