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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Team Members: Jessie Draper, Robin Oglesby, Panzy Jernigan, Megan Calicott, and Mr. Eddie Hood, principal
Our GCHS Positive Behavior Intervention and Support team welcomes our parents and students. It is our hope that together we can increase opportunities for our students to become caring adults committed to living successful and healthy lives. We are committed to helping our students on their journey to post-secondary education, technical schools, military service, or any other career of their choice. Staying motivated and inspired to learn is a challenge for some students but an innate desire for others. Our focus is to study and learn in a safe environment that best support student growth. To accomplish this, our task is to provide an environment where students want to be in class and on task. Increased time on task would result in increased student achievement with a reduction of office referrals, retention, absenteeism, and tardies.
PBIS is a Georgia Department of Education tool and a GCHS school-wide initiative
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a nationally recognized and evidence-based approach in which the school community combines its efforts to improve student outcomes not only in achievement but also in behavior. Generally referred to as multi-tiered strategy, the overall purpose aims to set students up for success during their formative years. Georgia’s Department of education reports that since the implementation of PBIS
Implementation of PBIS is saving countless instructional hours otherwise lost to discipline.
At GCHS, we consistently acknowledge key components of secure school safety and increased student achievement while also building capacity for positive social and emotional health as integral parts of PBIS. Since January 2018, our school PBIS team has worked consistently to build a data-driven program based on a proactive framework that positively affects our school climate and learner outcomes.
As educators, we affirm that providing and maintaining a teaching and learning environment designed to increase positive social behavior decreases inappropriate behavior, thus increasing opportunity for student success. Building good relationships comes from shared responsibility, organized interaction, and mutual respect for all. Real tigers ROAR as they learn to self-assess their own behavior and plan their own intervention strategies for self-improvement.
This school year our PBIS team focus is to reduce the number of times students are tardy to class. To understand how being tardy to class matters to you as a parent and how it affects your child’s opportunity for success, click here. Every Minute Counts @ GCHS
The Georgia Department of Education is an excellent resource for how teachers and parents can collaborate and work together.
Georgia Department of Education PBIS plan
Our GCHS PBIS team provides supplemental resources for not only our staff members but also for parents and students. When used with diligence, these resoures are useful tools. They also are used as procedures for meeting expectations that ensure student success in the classroom.
Tiger Roar PostePBIS Tiger Roar Poster
GCHS Behavior Management Flow Chart