

Degrees and Certifications:

Student Led Conferencing

Student led conferencing with students as leaders holds capacity for increasing not only the student’s leadership skills but also allows students to take ownership of responsibility for learning. Additionally,  family engagement in student learning offers opportunity for a richer conversation that is more transparent about student achievement. 

Student led conferencing usually begins with small groups of students talking to their families and educators about their achievement, acceleration, and/or remediation.  It is a time for students to step to the front as the audience listens, observes, and learns. It is a time for parents and educators to admire and respect the student as an independent thinker and a creative explorer growing up in a global technology rich environment.  It is a time to permit and encourage the use of technology for a planned and prepared presentation.

As teachers we can support our students as they plan their student led conferencing. The session may begin with introductions and, perhaps, an ice breaker. It is an opportunity for parents and teachers to step back and be amazed!