Welcome to PTSO

  • The CMS Parent Teacher Support Organization appreciates our parent and grandparent volunteers for supporting our continued efforts to make CMS the BEST!

Tiger Pride

  • At Carson Middle School we are showing our "Tiger Pride" every day! Our motto is, "Every Child, Every Day, High Expectations!"

We Need You!

  • Parent volunteers are needed to run concessions at CMS games. Teachers always need parents to help in the classroom or in the library.

Mission and Beliefs

  • Carson Middle School's mission is to educate, inspire, challenge, and support all students by preparing them to become life-long learners that are successful in an ever-changing world. See Our Mission and Belief Statement.

Contact Us

  • If you are a parent or grandparent interested in any aspect of PTSO, please contact the school's Principal at 706-453-3308.