Gifted Education and Services

  • Greene County School District endorses the philosophy that education is a means by which each individual has the opportunity to reach his or her fullest potential. We believe that all students have a right to educational experiences that challenge the level of their development, whether it is below, at, or beyond the level of their age peers. Special programs for gifted students are one outgrowth of this commitment.

    Greene County is a progressive rural district whose vision is to create innovative models of excellence in teaching and learning. As educators, we strive to serve all students in compliance with the federal, state, and local policy. Greene County seeks to develop a rigorous and relevant curriculum which not only aligns with state and national standards, but also reaches international standards. These standards ensure globally competitive students prepared for college and the workforce. According to the Javits Gifted and Talented Education Act (1988), “Outstanding talents are present in children and youth from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor.”

    The TARGET (gifted and talented) program in Greene County targets our gifted, talented and highly achieving students in order to meet their academic and creative learning needs. It is the position of the Greene County School District that educational services should be challenging for all students. To this end, students who are classified as “gifted” and or “talented” are provided with educational experiences that stimulate and extend their learning in accordance with their unique talents and needs.

  • Contact Information:
    Mrs. Crystal Parten, Ed.S.
    Director of Teaching and Learning
    101 E. Third Street, Greensboro, GA 30642 | Office: (706) 453-7688 | Fax: (706) 453-9019